Sunday, July 28, 2019

Fashion, Culture and Tibetan Buddhism Research Paper

Fashion, Culture and Tibetan Buddhism - Research Paper Example The essay "Fashion, Culture and Tibetan Buddhism" will study the relationship that exists between Tibetan Buddhism (its culture and religion) and fashion, while comparing it with Islam and its influence on fashion. In the context of fashion and social identity, observations revealed that an individual interacts with fashion in a same manner he/she interacts with other people, thus using fashion to reveal what he/she wants to personify. The direct contact between the wearer and various fashion elements (such as, clothes and other accessories) help to establish a personal identity. Since fashion tends to portray the link between physical materials (such as, clothes and jewelry) and the wearer’s personal values, there is also a close connection between fashion and one’s self-perception. Fashion affects the wearer’s self-perception, thus acting like a filter, positioning itself between society and the wearer. Observations revealed that generally, physical bodies are viewed as social symbols, where female bodies form an important mechanism for preserving social and cultural traditions; wherein majority of the conservative religions tend to dictate stringent norms for female fashion . While establishing personal identities, fashion also helps in constructing social status and position, where it is presumed that fashion is a true reflection of the wearer’s self and lifestyle. The strict sociocultural rules governing fashions are often visible as laws of the land that force people (primarily women). to follow rigid social standards in the context of clothing, and often giving rise to a social tension between conformists and dissidents (Voss, 405-407). In such instances, it is evident that culture plays a dominating role and fashion becomes a strong tool in hands of the conservatives, which is used for gender subjugation and social control, a condition prevalent in the Islamic countries. On the other hand, social dissidents also use fashion t o symbolize their breakaway from rigid socio-cultural and religious norms. Therefore, fashion is closely related to different aspects of the culture and society from which it originates and subsequently represents. Tibetan history, culture and fashion Tibetan culture  has evolved through the influence of various external factors. Tibet had established trade connections with India and China from the ancient times, and these two countries have produced a significant effect on its cultural development. Tibet’s  inaccessibility, owing to its remote location, has however helped to preserve certain local influences that make it stand apart from both India and China. In terms of religion, Buddhism  has a strong influence on the socio-cultural aspects of Tibet, since its introduction in the country as early as the seventh century. Music, literature, art, clothing and almost all aspects of the Tibetan life strongly reflect presence of Buddhist values and beliefs. In Tibet, Buddh ism has developed its own unique form, which adopted the  Bon cultural tradition, interspersed with various local beliefs. According to

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